
Adoration offers people the opportunity for prayer, silence and adoration as they reflect on their call to a deeper devotion to Our Lord and a…
María Idalia Garcia (Esp)

Altar Linens

The Altar Linen Ministry provides clean linens to be used for the liturgical life of the parish. Ministers launder and iron purifications and corporals, while…

Altar Servers

Acolytes are young men and women, 4th grade and older, who have celebrated Holy Communion and who desire to serve God and God’s people. Altar…
Macita Regnier
Martha Beatriz Garcia (Esp)

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Extraordinary Ministers are nominated by the pastor and commissioned by the Archdiocese upon completion of a training workshop. They assist our clergy in distributing the…

Funeral Ministry

Members assist with the setup of the church environment and hospitality during funerals. They provide assistance with the arrangements before and after funerals, assist as…


Ministers of Hospitality are often the first face of the parish. They greet those coming into our church, offer assistance to those in need, distribute…
Maria Olivia Mejia (Esp)


Lectors are men and women of at least high school age who proclaim the readings at various liturgies. Training opportunities are provided.

Legion of Mary

The Legion of Mary is a worldwide organization of Catholic men and women who offer their services to their pastor to aid in performing spiritual…
Kathleen Wangenheim / President

Liturgical Decorators

This ministry creates and maintains the visual expression for weekly and special liturgical celebrations. Parishioners with carpentry skills, artistic and design talents, and creative ideas…

Music Ministry

ADULT CHOIR The Adult Choir sings at the 10 AM Mass in English and other Liturgical and sometime non-liturgical events for Saint Thomas Aquinas Church. …
Richard Clawson
Brad Meyer-Contemporary Worship Band


Sacristans prepare for the celebration of Mass by setting out sacred vessels and other items. Sacristans are previously certified and experienced Extraordinary Ministers of Holy…
Federico Zuñiga (Esp)

Welcome Ministry

The Welcome Ministry provides outreach to newcomers and helps them to get to know parishioners and to get more engaged with the parish. Phone calls,…

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